Demonstration of a floating offshore wind system at 100m water depth with two key technology innovations:
- disruptive and environment-friendly concrete tension leg platform anchored with an innovative tendon-based mooring system
- innovative aluminium dynamic cable design.
The INFINITE project significantly contributes to the advancement of offshore floating wind energy sector thanks to the development and demonstration of two technology innovations (concrete TLP platform with tendon mooring system and aluminium dynamic cables) and to a series of horizontal activities, both ensuring a cost-efficient, effective and sustainable market uptake of offshore wind energy technologies.
At this year’s conference, we’ll be looking at how to deliver a rapid buildout of wind and doubling down on the major obstacles. We recognise that [...]
Following FOWT 2022 edition which brought together 1200 participants from 30 different countries online and in Montpellier (France), preparation for [...]